Mall Rongsokan ( Junkyard-Mall Place ) Jalan Bungur Raya Kukusan-Beji Depok Jawa-Barat 16426

Infomercial-Bussiness : This is a reusable flee-market transaction when the second toll-ware's like ; a classic furniture-model's , the old book-magazine's collection , a retro electronic-thing's , the unique traditional-handycraft , a classical kids~bicycle design & the old-school gadget-devices  from a different era-time with the various-kind types _ $o then that's place tobe a local famous shooping-icon in indonesia-country who especially at depok-city { west-java provinve } sinco of 2006 until right now here !

The Operational-Times : 8.00AM-Morning to 17.30PM of Monday-Sunday [ Except Friday on Holiday ] and Mister HENDRIK or Mr.Nurcholis-Agie as the official-owner with his cellphone# 62-812-8583-8202

